Thursday, November 15, 2007

Summary for New Readers

Yeah, I know, there's a whole lot here, and chances are, you'd look at it all, say, "Oh I'll read it later," and never come back.

So here is a quick summary. Details are not included.

When Alice Hayes was ten, her brother, who was five, got off the school bus by himself. Alice had gotten a ride but forgotten to tell her brother Jimmy. After getting off the school bus, Jimmy never reached home.

No one knows what happened to him. However, five years later, Alice's life isn't all fun and games. Her father is always at work and her mother has grown tense and believes that each and every speck of the house should be spotless. Alice is sarcastic and cold, she would rather run away than stick around.

Alice and the new kid on the block rescue a frog off the middle of the street and help him get better. Alice however has recently discovered that she wants to be more than friends with the 'new kid' Grey, but she's still struggling with guilt over her brother.

Please read as much as the story as you can, because I assure you that it is a lot better than this summary!

Enjoy and please comment!

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